Hédon Vêtements Extérieurs Fur policy:
All our installed furs are certified Sagafurs.
Saga Furs leads the industry in sustainability as the only fur seller with a supplier certification and auditing programme on the environment and animal health and welfare.
Saga Certification in short:
(Source: https://www.sagafurs.com/sustainability/certification/)
The Saga Certification scheme was created and is continuously developed with the Finnish Fur Breeders’ Association – FIFUR
Criteria include advanced animal health and welfare, breeding, conditions for rearing animals, feed management, farm hygiene, environmental management and training and preparing for exceptional situations
Saga Certified farms are monitored and inspected
in Finland Luova Ltd. verifies both the Saga Certification audits for FIFUR and WelFur assessments, during the same farm visit
outside of Finland Saga Certification audits are done by Saga Furs and WelFur assessments by Baltic Control®
Outside of Finland, the Saga Certification process is verified by DNV GL.
The Saga Certification with WelFur inside is valid for one year at a time and is then re-audited
Saga Furs has a system in place for monitoring which farms are certified